Surah Yasin Read

Surah Yaseen Online

Surah Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Holy Quran, and it holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. Yaseen Sharif consists of 83 verses, 807 words, 3,028 letters, and 5 Rukus (sections).

Surah Yasin is known as the “heart of the Quran.” This title comes from a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), who emphasized its unique spiritual power.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated:

Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. I would like it to be in the hearts of all believers in my community.” (Tafsir al-Sabuni, Volume 2).

This Hadith highlights the special role Surah Yaseen plays in Muslims’ lives. Just as the heart is vital for life, Surah Yasin is considered crucial for the soul.

Position in QuranJuzʼ 22 to 23
Number in Order36th
Number of verses83
Number of Words807
Number of Letters3028
Number of Rukus5

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Surah Yasen Sharif Benefits

There are many benefits of the Surah Yaseen reading specified by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in His various sayings.

  • It is often recited in times of need, whether during personal struggles, sickness, or moments of difficulty.
  • The Surah is thought to provide comfort, strength, and hope to those who read it with sincere intention.
  • Reading Surah Yaseen in the morning brings protection throughout the day and invites positive outcomes.
  • Additionally, reciting Surah Yaseen for the sick or the deceased is a common practice in the Muslim community.
  • This chapter can help ease the suffering of the ill and offer peace to the souls of those who have passed away.
  • By reciting it, Muslims seek Allah’s mercy and blessings not only for themselves but also for their loved ones.
  • Overall, Surah Yaseen holds a cherished place in the hearts of believers. Whether read for protection, comfort, or spiritual elevation, this Surah is a powerful reminder of faith, hope, and the eternal guidance of the Quran.

Its benefits, as mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), continue to inspire Muslims to keep Surah Yaseen close to their hearts, making it an essential part of their daily worship.

Question and Answer About Surah Yaseen (FAQ)

1. What is Surah Yasin?

Surah Yasin is the 36th chapter of the Holy Quran. It consists of 83 verses and is often called the “heart of the Quran” due to its profound spiritual significance.

2. Why is Surah Yasin called the “heart of the Quran”?

Surah Yasin is called the “heart of the Quran” based on a saying of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), who stated, “Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen.” This emphasizes its central importance and spiritual depth.

3. What are the benefits of reciting Surah Yasin?

Reciting Surah Yaseen is believed to bring numerous blessings, including protection, easing difficulties, and granting peace to the heart. It is often recited during times of hardship, for the sick, and the deceased.

4. When should Surah Yasin be recited?

Surah Yasin can be recited at any time, but reciting it in the morning for protection throughout the day or in times of need is particularly beneficial. It is also recited during funerals and for those who are ill.

5. How many verses are in Surah Yasen?

Surah Yaseen contains 83 verses.

6. Is there a special reward for memorizing Surah Yaseen?

Yes, memorizing Surah Yaseen is highly rewarding in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encouraged believers to keep Surah Yaseen in their hearts, promising spiritual benefits and closeness to Allah for those who memorize and recite it regularly.

7. Can Surat Yaseen be recited for the deceased?

Yes, reciting Surat Yaseen for the deceased is a common practice in Islam. It is believed to bring peace to the souls of the departed and invoke Allah’s mercy on them.

8. What is the message of Surah Yaseen?

The message of Surah Yaseen emphasizes the oneness of Allah, the truth of prophethood, the reality of life after death, and the consequences of disbelief. It serves as a reminder of Allah’s mercy and the eternal reward for believers.

9. Is Surat Yaseen considered a Makki or Madani Surah?

Surat Yaseen is considered a Makki Surah, meaning it was revealed in Mecca before the migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Medina.

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